October 21, 2019
Japan Machinery Federation (JMF) released the result of survey about the possession term of production facilities on June 28, 2019. The survey was conducted in 1994 and 2013, and this was the third time.
The survey items include the possession term of production facilities, the purpose of capital investment and future capital investment plans. The introduction status of Internet of Things (IoT) was added to the survey items for the first time. According to the survey, more than 60% of total facilities are older than over 10 years, while more than 20% are not older than 5 years. The result indicates that the renewal of facilities has been progressing gradually. The percentage of less than 5 years increased from the previous survey, but did not reach the figure in 1994. The percentage of 5 to 10 years decreased compared to the previous two surveys, while the percentage of less than 10 to 15 years and more than 15 years increased.
The JMF analyzed that it has been polarized between companies which are active in facilities replacement and those are not (figure). In this survey, questionnaire was conducted for 388 manufacturers nationwide from December 2018 to February 2019.
Source: SEISANZAI MARKETING Magazine September 2019 issue
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