CNC Lathe

Sliding Headstock Type CNC Automatic Lathes”Cincom D25”
This machine adopts a double gang tool post for face milling. The low frequency vibration cutting (LFV) technique can be optionally set.
Cincom D25 will solves chip problems, which are highly requested by users. Type VIII was equipped with a B axis for oblique machining.
It can mount up to 28 back milling tools and flexibly deal with the division of process into milling and back milling.

CNC Turning Center”MD120Ⅱ”
This machine is a parallel 2-spindle type turning center which can accommodate every production line with a space of 1900 mm × 1810 mm (W × D) and contribute to space saving. The milling capacity was enhanced. A new single-rail high speed loader has installed.
A work conveying time is reduced by shortening an acceleration/deceleration time, and realize shortening of cycle time.
Furthermore, options to shorten idle time are also available to increase productivity.