SEISANZAI Japanese Japanese Cutting-Edge Solutions for MetalworkingSEISANZAI Japanese Japanese Cutting-Edge Solutions for MetalworkingJapanese Cutting-Edge
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Machine tool orders in May: 51.2 billion yen, capital investment remains sluggish due to COVID-19

July 6, 2020

Japan Machine Tool Builders’ Association announced the machine tool order amount of May. The total amount of orders in May was 51.24 billion yen, down 8.7% from the previous month. Domestic order was 18.19 billion yen, down 14.0% from the previous month, and foreign order was 33.05 billion yen. Demand for capital investment remained sluggish due to the spread of COVID-19. The total amount of orders has fallen below 55 billion yen for the first time since November 2009.

China showed a bright sign, exceeding 14 billion yen for the first time in 12 months due to the government’s support measures and the increase in IT demand due to the spread of COVID-19.

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