March 6, 2024
.ACT (Nagoya, Japan, President: Noriyuki Imaizumi), the first IT subsidiary of OSG, a leading cutting tool manufacturer, has become fully operational. Leveraging cutting-edge digital technologies and expertise, .ACT is spearheading the digital transformation (DX) of OSG Group companies, while targeting expansion into new manufacturing customers.
Launched last September as OSG’s first IT subsidiary, .ACT became fully operational in December. In addition to contract development of software and systems primarily for the manufacturing industry, the company is also involved in training digital human resources skilled in IT and DX technologies. Initially, the company aims to strengthen its management base and accumulate know-how while promoting DX in OSG Group companies around the world.
One of the main areas of focus is the establishment of a manufacturing DX platform. For example, for the OSG Group, the company is working to build a system that will centralize the management of all manufacturing information by linking each process from order receipt to design, manufacturing, inspection, shipping, and regrinding with relevant data. This system is expected to help improve the group’s overall order-taking capabilities and profit margins.
President Imaizumi enthuses, “Over the next five years or so, we intend to develop the functions required for each individual process, such as manufacturing and inspection, one by one.”
.ACT is also working on the control of automated systems that operate on this DX platform, software to support customer service, and the development of systems to improve business operations.
Members involved in the creation of .ACT. Second from left is President Noriyuki Imaizumi.
As of March 1, .ACT has seven employees, including President Imaizumi.
In order to create products that meet customer requirements at a low cost, it has been desirable to have people who are familiar with the workflow of system development. “At our company, we have people who worked in tool design at OSG and then moved to the IT department, as well as people with experience in manufacturing control functions for in-house production equipment, so we now have an ideal team for system development work,” explains President Imaizumi.
.ACT has also been serving as a nexus for deepening cooperation with other IT companies and other companies with superior digital technology.
In the future, the company plans to develop new customers in the manufacturing industry outside of the OSG Group, based on the know-how it has accumulated through the projects of OSG Group companies. President Imaizumi emphasizes, “The fact that all of our employees are from the manufacturing industry differentiates us from other IT companies.”
While leveraging these strengths to strengthen its sales capabilities for new customers, the company will also focus on hiring, aiming to have 10 employees within the next five years.
By: Atsushi Kuwasaki
Staff Editor, SEISANZAI Japan