March 21, 2024
On February 13, NISSEI PLASTIC INDUSTRIAL, a global supplier of injection molding machines, announced the completion and launch of its new injection molding machine factory, “NISSEI PLASTIC MACHINERY (HAIYAN)”, located in Zhejiang Province, East China. The construction of the factory was completed in December last year, and it has started operation from January 2024. With a total land area of 33,226 square meters and a building area of 14,027 square meters, the new factory is the company’s second facility in China after its establishment in Jiangsu Province.
The company’s goal in opening this new facility is to expand its injection molding machine production capacity while streamlining costs by internalizing parts processing. The factory is currently focusing on the assembly of “NEX Series” all-electric injection molding machines with clamping forces of 294 kN (30 tons) and 490 kN (50 tons), as well as machining of casting parts. The initial production capacity of injection machines at the Haiyan factory is about 15 units per month.
February 26, 2025