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Solutions for Metalworking


THK adds bonus features to predictive detection system “OMNI edge”

August 31, 2021

On September 1, 2021, THK, a leading machine components manufacturer, added two bonus features to the “OMNIedge” system, which analyzes the state of machine component parts and detects signs.

These features are the no-wait manufacturing ticket and IoT risk coverage.

No-wait manufacturing ticket allows OMNIedge customers to arrange the priority, “no-wait” manufacture of a replacement part at a THK factory when the sensor on their machine’s LM Guide, ball screw, or other component detects unusual or poor conditions and the part needs to be replaced.

The second bonus feature is IoT risk coverage in collaboration with Tokio Marine & Nichido. Only in the event that OMNIedge’s predictive failure detection does not function properly and the component (LM Guide, ball screw, or actuator) to which the sensor is installed becomes damaged, insurance provided through Tokio Marine & Nichido will cover the cost of the component where the problem originated and the labor costs for replacing the part (up to a maximum of ¥1 million yen).

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