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Japan preliminary machine tool orders in Nov 2024: down 2.6% MoM to JPY 119.3 billion

December 11, 2024

The Japan Machine Tool Builders’ Association (JMTBA) has released preliminary figures for machine tool orders in November 2024. Total orders amounted to 119.3 billion yen, down 2.6% from the previous month. This was the second consecutive monthly decline, falling just short of the 120 billion yen threshold and marking the first time in three months that orders have dropped below this level. On a year-on-year (YoY) basis, however, new orders increased for the second consecutive month, reflecting a resilient trend. 

Domestic demand 

Domestic orders increased 2.6% month-on-month (MoM) to 34.3 billion yen, the first increase in two months. On a YoY basis, domestic orders also increased for the first time in 27 months. Despite this improvement, monthly totals have remained below 35 billion yen for two consecutive months, indicating continued weakness in demand levels. Although the month coincided with the 32nd Japan International Machine Tool Fair (JIMTOF 2024), the largest machine tool trade show in Japan, its impact on orders has yet to be seen. 

Foreign demand  

Foreign orders fell 4.6% MoM to 85 billion yen, the first decline in three months. However, on a YoY basis, foreign orders increased for the second consecutive month, maintaining a relatively strong level above 85 billion yen for the second consecutive month. 

Further details, including trends in large orders, will be provided in the final report. 


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Japan MT order


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