September 7, 2017
Production Technology Development center, a development institute of Chubu University, held a lecture at their Kasugai campus, in Aichi prefecture on September 7, 2017. Approximately 80 people from machine tool, automotive, and optical manufacturers attended the event(photo).
At the lecture, Akinori Yui, professor of National Defense Academy, gave a speech regarding “cutting-edge grinding techniques and grinding equipment”. He introduced highly efficient grinding methods such as creep feed grinding and speed stroke grinding. The international safety standard “ISO16089” for grinding machines established in November 2015 was also mentioned.
Professor Yui explained that the allowable thickness of grindstone covers differed between “ISO16089” and domestic standards, and he introduced the differences between the two standards in an easy-to-understand manner based on experimental data. Many participants showed great interest in this topic.
In addition, Naomichi Furuki, Associate Professor of Kansai University, explained how to cut die mold steel while reducing the wear of diamond tools. Various approaches such as nit riding treatment of mold steel materials were mentioned. The center was founded by Chubu University in 1988 for technical research through industry-academia collaboration.
December 5, 2017
December 1, 2017
September 1, 2017
November 28, 2024