January 28, 2025
In 2025, there will be numerous factory automation (FA) exhibitions around the world. As of January 20, SEISANZAI Japan’s editorial team has compiled a comprehensive schedule of these key events. Highlights include CIMT 2025 in April in China, EMO Hannover 2025 in September in Germany, MECT 2025 in October in Japan, and iREX 2025 in December in Japan. As the environment for the machine tool industry remains uncertain, these exhibitions offer a unique opportunity to explore cutting-edge machinery and technologies while promoting dynamic business negotiations.
South Korea
Other Asia
United States
Other Americas
Other Europe
March 5–7 | Makuhari Messe
Link: https://gtj-expo.jp/2025/en/
April 9–11 | Port Messe Nagoya
Link: https://www.manufacturing-world.jp/nagoya/en-gb/about.html
April 9–11 | Tokyo Big Sight
Link: https://medtecjapan.com/en/for-exhibition/
April 16–18 | Tokyo Big Sight
Link: https://www.intermold.jp/english/outline/
April 23–25 | Tokyo Big Sight
Link: https://www.japan-it.jp/spring/en-gb.html
May 14–16 | INTEX Osaka
Link: https://www.material-expo.jp/osaka/en-gb.html
May 14–16 | INTEX Osaka
Link: https://www.fiweek.jp/osaka/ja-jp.html
May 15–17 | Ishikawa Industrial Exhibition Hal
Link: https://www.tekkokiden.jp/mex/about/
May 21–23 | PACIFICO Yokohama
Link: https://aee.expo-info.jsae.or.jp/en/yokohama/
June 10–13 | Tokyo Big Sight
Link: https://www.foomajapan.jp/int/
July 9–11 | Makuhari Messe
Link: https://www.manufacturing-world.jp/tokyo/en-gb.html
July 16–18 | Aichi Sky Expo
Link: https://aee.expo-info.jsae.or.jp/en/nagoya/
July 16–19 | Tokyo Big Sight
Link: https://www.mf-tokyo.jp/e/
July 23–25 | Tokyo Big Sight
Link: https://www.jma.or.jp/tf/en/index.html
September 10–12 | Tokyo Big Sight
Link: https://www.logis-tech-tokyo.gr.jp/ie/outline/index.html
September 10–12 | Tokyo Big Sight
Link: https://www.mt-expo.jp/2025/contents_en/
September 17–19 | Makuhari Messe
Link: https://www.fiweek.jp/autumn/en-gb.html
October 1–3 | INTEX Osaka
Link: https://www.manufacturing-world.jp/osaka/en-gb.html
October 22–25 | Port Messe Nagoya
Link: https://mect-japan.com/2025/en/
Mechatronics Technology Japan (MECT) is Japan’s largest machine tool exhibition, held every two years in odd-numbered years in Nagoya. First held in 1987, this year marks the 20th edition. The previous show attracted 490 exhibitors (2,101 booths) and 77,225 visitors.
October 30–11/9 | Tokyo Big Sight
Link: https://www.japan-mobility-show.com/en/
November 5–7 | Port Messe Nagoya
Link: TBC
November 12–14 | Makuhari Messe
Link: https://www.material-expo.jp/tokyo/en-gb.html
December 3–6 | Tokyo Big Sight
Link: https://irex.nikkan.co.jp/?lang=en
The International Robot Exhibition (iREX) is the largest robotics exhibition in the world. It brings together cutting-edge robotics technologies, including AI, ICT and key component technologies. Held every two years in odd-numbered years, the 26th edition will focus on the theme of ” Sustainable Societies Through Robotics “.
February 25–27 | Guangzhou
Link: https://spsinchina.cn.messefrankfurt.com/guangzhou/en.html
March 3–6 | Shanghai
Link: https://www.expocme.cn/zh/sh
March 21–24 | Zhengzhou
Link: http://www.ccieme.com.cn/content.aspx?node=762
March 26–29 | Shenzhen
Link: https://www.iteschina.com/en
April 21–26 | Beijing
Link: http://www.cimtshow.com/
The China International Machine Tool Show (CIMT) is China’s largest machine tool show and one of the four major global machine tool exhibitions. The 2023 edition featured 1,582 exhibitors and attracted approximately 155,000 visitors. The 2025 show will cover a record-breaking 310,000 square meters.
May 21–23 | Beijing
Link: http://www.auto-wo.com/?pages_11/
April 22–24 | Shanghai
Link: https://www.s-factoryexpo.com/en-gb.html
September 10–12 | Shenzhen
Link: https://www.cioe.cn/en/index.html?ly=GoogleAD
March 11–3/14 | Seoul
Link: http://www.intermold.jp/intermold_korea/
October 29–31 | Goyang
Link: https://korea-metal.com/exhibition/outline
March 3–8 | Taipei
Link: https://www.timtos.com.tw/en/index.html
8/20–23 | Taipei
Link: https://www.chanchao.com.tw/AutomationTaipei/en/
September 10–12 | Taipei
Link: https://expo.semi.org/taiwan2025/Public/enter.aspx
February 5–7 | Bangkok
Link: https://www.smri.asia/en/yuasa-th
May 14–17 | Bangkok
Link: https://www.intermachshow.com/2024/en/index.asp
June 18–21 | Bangkok
Link: https://www.intermoldthailand.com/
November 19–21 | Bangkok
Link: https://www.metalex.co.th/
June 2–5 | Ho Chi Minh City
Link: https://www.cantonfair.net/event/7226-mta-vietnam#registration
8/6–8 | Hanoi
Link: https://www.vme-expo.com/
October 1–3 | Ho Chi Minh City
Link: https://www.metalexvietnam.com/
May 15–18 | New Delhi
Link: https://tradeshows.tradeindia.com/imtos/
September 27–29 | Mumbai
Link: https://imexonline.com/Home
December 3–7 | Gandhinagar
Link: https://www.jetro.go.jp/en/database/j-messe/tradefair/detail/140970
May 14–17 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Link: https://metaltech.com.my/
September 24–27 | Istanbul, Turkey
Link: https://www.metalexpo.com.tr/metalexpo-2020
December 3–6 | Jakarta, Indonesia
Link: https://www.manufacturingindonesia.com/exhibiting/exhibit-profile/
February 4–6 | Anaheim
Link: https://www.mdmwest.com/en/home.html
April 1–3 | Cleveland
Link: https://www.pmts.com/
April 8–10 | Detroit
Link: https://www.rapid3devent.com/event/event-overview/
May 12–15 | Detroit
Link: https://www.automateshow.com/trade-show
May 20–22 | New York
Link: https://www.imengineeringeast.com/en/show-brands/atx.html
September 8–11 | Chicago
Link: https://www.fabtechexpo.com/
May 6–8 | Mexico City, Mexico
Link: https://mexico.fabtechexpo.com/
September 29–10/2 | Toronto, Canada
Link: https://www.cmts.ca/
March 11–14 | Leipzig
Link: https://www.messe-intec.de/en/
March 31–4/4 | Hannover
Link: https://www.hannovermesse.de/en/
May 13–15 | Erfurt
Link: https://www.rapidtech-3d.de/
June 24-27 | Munich
Link: https://automatica-munich.com/en/trade-fair/
Held every two years in odd-numbered years, automatica is Europe’s largest industrial robotics exhibition. The 2023 edition featured 650 exhibitors from 34 countries. Renowned European manufacturers such as KUKA and ABB showcase their innovations in full gear, making this a must-attend event for robotics professionals.
EMO is Europe’s largest machine tool trade show and one of the four major machine tool exhibitions in the world. The 2023 show in Hannover featured 1,850 exhibitors and welcomed around 92,000 visitors from 140 countries.
September 22-26 | Hannover
Link: https://emo-hannover.com/
October 7–9 | Stuttgart
Link: https://www.motek-messe.de/en
October 12–16 | Friedrichshafen
Link: https://www.fakuma-messe.de/en/
November 18–21 | Frankfurt
Link: https://formnext.mesago.com/frankfurt/en.html#2023
March 11–3/14 | Lyon
Link: https://global-industrie.com/en/home
April 1–3 | Paris
Link: https://www.sitl.eu/en-gb.html
June 16–22 | Paris
Link: https://www.siae.fr/en/
March 25–28 | Kielce, Poland
Link: https://www.targikielce.pl/en/industrial-spring
March 26–28 | Brussels, Belgium
Link: https://www.machineering.eu/en/
May 6–9 | Milan, Italy
Link: https://www.lamiera.net/en/lamiera-from-6-to-9-may-2025-fieramilano-rho/
May 13–16 | Bucharest, Romania
Link: https://www.metalshow-tib.ro/en/
May 13–16 | Budapest, Hungary
Link: https://iparnapjai.hu/en
May 20–22 | Linz, Austria
Link: https://www.smart-linz.at/de-at.html
May 26–29 | Moscow, Russia
Link: https://www.metobr-expo.ru/en/
May 27–30 | Porto, Portugal
Link: https://emaf.exponor.pt/?lang=en
June 3–6 | Geneva, Switzerland
Link: https://www.ephj.ch/en/
June 3–5 | Bilbao, Spain
Link: https://plusindustry.bilbaoexhibitioncentre.com/en/
October 7–10 | Brno, Czech Republic
Link: https://www.bvv.cz/en/imt
November 5–6 | Madrid, Spain
Link: https://www.advancedmanufacturingmadrid.com/es/metalmadrid-2/
December 13, 2023
December 19, 2023
October 8, 2024
November 18, 2024