SEISANZAI Japanese Japanese Cutting-Edge Solutions for MetalworkingSEISANZAI Japanese Japanese Cutting-Edge Solutions for MetalworkingJapanese Cutting-Edge
Solutions for Metalworking


Mujin establishes local subsidiary in the US News

September 29, 2021

Mujin establishes local subsidiary in the US

[MECT2021 #2] MECT2021 to be held with 1,796 booths Exhibition

September 28, 2021

[MECT2021 #2] MECT2021 to be held with 1,796 booths

Japan’s machine tool orders to be raised to 1.45 trillion yen News

September 27, 2021

Japan’s machine tool orders to be raised to 1.45 trillion yen

Kyocera to enter the micromachining market Products

September 24, 2021

Kyocera to enter the micromachining market

Mitsubishi Materials develops new material with properties of metal and rubber News

September 23, 2021

Mitsubishi Materials develops new material with properties of metal and rubber

Seiko Instruments launches internal grinding machine with improved workability Products

September 22, 2021

Seiko Instruments launches internal grinding machine with improved workability

MT Orders in August totaled 125.9 billion yen, with strong U.S. orders Statistic

September 21, 2021

MT Orders in August totaled 125.9 billion yen, with strong U.S. orders

Three companies including a robot maker conclude a cooperation agreement to realize LA News

September 20, 2021

Three companies including a robot maker conclude a cooperation agreement to realize LA

DMG MORI develops flexible robot system “MATRIS Light” Products

September 17, 2021

DMG MORI develops flexible robot system “MATRIS Light”

Manufacturing start-up raised 8 billion yen News

September 16, 2021

Manufacturing start-up raised 8 billion yen

Robot teams from around the world compete for technology at WRS Exhibition

September 15, 2021

Robot teams from around the world compete for technology at WRS

Captain Industries opens image measurement solution room News

September 14, 2021

Captain Industries opens image measurement solution room

Nakamura-Tome strengthen models equipped with oscillating cutting function News

September 13, 2021

Nakamura-Tome strengthen models equipped with oscillating cutting function

Toyota invests 1.5 trillion yen in battery development and production News

September 10, 2021

Toyota invests 1.5 trillion yen in battery development and production

MT orders in August fell below 130 billion yen for first time in 3 months Statistic

September 9, 2021

MT orders in August fell below 130 billion yen for first time in 3 months

Amada launches automation system for progressive stamping press production Products

September 8, 2021

Amada launches automation system for progressive stamping press production

FlexSim is adopted by a famous confectionery maker in Hokkaido News

September 7, 2021

FlexSim is adopted by a famous confectionery maker in Hokkaido

Robot exhibition held in Aichi next year starts recruiting exhibitors Exhibition

September 6, 2021

Robot exhibition held in Aichi next year starts recruiting exhibitors

[MECT2021 #1] MECT2021 starts accepting pre-registration and seminar attendance reservations Exhibition

September 3, 2021

[MECT2021 #1] MECT2021 starts accepting pre-registration and seminar attendance reservations

Tungaloy’s new high-feed cutter “Add Do Feed” Products

September 2, 2021

Tungaloy’s new high-feed cutter “Add Do Feed”

MISUMI co-develops new features of meviy with Toyota News

September 1, 2021

MISUMI co-develops new features of meviy with Toyota