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Latest News on Japan’s factory automation Industry


87 percent of respondents feel the benefits of introducing industrial robot in Japan: the reader survey of robot digest (2/2) News

December 4, 2019

87 percent of respondents feel the benefits of introducing industrial robot in Japan: the reader survey of robot digest (2/2)

87 percent of respondents feel the benefits of introducing industrial robot in Japan: the reader survey of robot digest (1/2) News

December 2, 2019

87 percent of respondents feel the benefits of introducing industrial robot in Japan: the reader survey of robot digest (1/2)

Aircraft parts factory starts operation in 2020 News

November 29, 2019

Aircraft parts factory starts operation in 2020

OMRON starts 5G demonstration experiment in 2019 News

November 27, 2019

OMRON starts 5G demonstration experiment in 2019

THK establishes customer support service in collaboration with Microsoft and others News

November 25, 2019

THK establishes customer support service in collaboration with Microsoft and others

The first quarter financial results of 34 major FA-related companies:  Demand declined due to trade friction(2/2) News

November 18, 2019

The first quarter financial results of 34 major FA-related companies: Demand declined due to trade friction(2/2)


November 13, 2019

DMG MORI won the Japan International Birdman Rally 2019

ITOH DENKI proposes more efficient logistics at open house News

November 11, 2019

ITOH DENKI proposes more efficient logistics at open house

The first quarter financial results of 34 major FA-related companies:  Demand declined due to trade friction(1/2) News

November 8, 2019

The first quarter financial results of 34 major FA-related companies: Demand declined due to trade friction(1/2)


November 4, 2019

New plant for medium-sized trucks in the United States

Yamazaki Mazak unveiled new multi-tasking machine at EMO Hannover 2019 News

November 1, 2019

Yamazaki Mazak unveiled new multi-tasking machine at EMO Hannover 2019

Opton proposes automation of bending at open house News

October 31, 2019

Opton proposes automation of bending at open house


October 25, 2019

Increasing production capacity of hydraulic pumps in China


October 21, 2019

Releasing the result of survey about the possession term of production facilities


October 9, 2019

Sodick establishes TC in UK and further strengthens European business

DMG MORI increased sales and profits, but orders are currently sluggish News

October 7, 2019

DMG MORI increased sales and profits, but orders are currently sluggish

Enhancing production efficiency of semiconductor products by labor saving and automation News

September 25, 2019

Enhancing production efficiency of semiconductor products by labor saving and automation

The presence of machine tool stands out in the group companies News

September 23, 2019

The presence of machine tool stands out in the group companies


September 20, 2019

JTEKT will acquire all shares of auto parts manufacturer from Toyota Motor

DMG MORI aims to achieve annual sales of 1 trillion yen around 2030 (2/2) News

September 18, 2019

DMG MORI aims to achieve annual sales of 1 trillion yen around 2030 (2/2)

DMG MORI aims to achieve annual sales of 1 trillion yen around 2030 (1/2) News

September 16, 2019

DMG MORI aims to achieve annual sales of 1 trillion yen around 2030 (1/2)